I never heard of these SATANS SATYRS dudes before 2 weeks ago but now that I have heard them and seen them I can't live without their 'Wild Beyond Belief' cd!! SATANS SATYRS. Just sounds cool , and it's a name for a band that when you hear it you know it's Metal and your sure it's probably going to be heavy AND there's almost no chance of it not being cool! And I ordered 'Wild Beyond Belief' 2 weeks ago from DARK DESCENT Recs but did not get it before they descended onto San Antonio like Barlow in Salems Lot. Un noticed but definitely their dark presence must of been felt by someone. So I was shit outta luck on jammin' 'Wild Beyond Belief ' before seein' 'em. Yup , can't get laid , too afraid to drink or do drugs anymore and can't even get a cd before the band plays!
And these SATANS SATYRS went on after the witching hour at one o'clock in the morning! But I was there right in front 'cos I wanted to see if they were worth braving the savage streets of late nite San Antonio to see if they were as good as I thought they were. AND THEY ARE! THEY ARE WORTH IT! These SATYRS looked like they stepped right out of 1973 , pulled back through time to remind us what Rock n' Roll could be!! So heavy but still rockin' and all fuzzed out with the guitarist belting out wicked solos and the drummer was great , great , great!! I mean really fantastic! I even dragged 2 friends with me , well, I guess they are friends and they got drunk and loud while I remained a sober little prairie dog wary and alert to all danger. Meaning COPS!
SATANS SATYRS played and the singer busted his bass so the guy from OLD AND ILL loaned them his and they rocked out till the lights came on and good 'ol Adrian told everyone they had 10 minutes to drink their last drink and get the F out!
Again , I saw people who don't despise me , people like , Aaron & Maria , Jaime from Hogwild , Trey , Joseph Guzman , Marilyn , who is one person I believe really likes me ,John/Brokenboard , and all mighty Beer reebs my spiritual advisor and Warchief! Now just waiting on that 'Wild Beyond Belief ' cd. arty/mondosleazo^
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