Sunday, June 2, 2013

SPEEDWOLF! Last Nites Show!

   I worked 13 hrs Saturday and just ended another 13 hr shift about an hour ago and sandwiched in between that I bore witness to my first SPEEDWOLF show! I was tired , my feet hurt , and I smelled like Big Red and Chipotle Barbecue Doritos but I went anyway! And I honestly tried to talk myself outta going. Told myself that I needed the rest , or that I might get pulled over or carjacked by a gang of transvestites , (which has almost happened to me before) get a flat tire , something would happen that would ruin my life or at least the nite. Ya see I just got off probation and I'm scared shitless of
doing something stupid again but 
I figured as long as I didn't drink I'd be okay. So I said , 'FUCK IT! I am going down to the Korova to see SPEEDWOLF & ABIGAIL no matter what happens!' And I went and I hadda a great time! SPEEDWOLF went on about 7 minutes after I got there and halfway into the first song I realized that SPEEDWOLF is fuckin'-bad-ass!!!!!!!! Do they sound like MOTORHEAD? Well , I like to think they embody and exemplify all the same ethics , emotion , and true hard rock heavy metal destruction that MOTORHEAD does. They truly did  steamroll through their set and slammed down some infective

Gonna party like a SPEEDWOLF , Awoooooo!
headbanging riffs and drumbeats and gravelly hungry man vocals. I picked up a shirt and their cd and I am glad I did and helped support the band. I am listening to the cd right now and any ardent Heavy Metal follower needs some SPEEDWOLF in their life. I know this aint much of a live show review but ya know I almost didn't go and I know how much I would have regretted it if I hadn't of gone and if you didn;t go a blowjob mite sooth the pain. But if you did go you know how BADASS they were!!!! And to the people I saw at the show who I hadn't seen in awhile: Zvs , Chris , Maria , Danny Blackwolf , it was good to see you again and I am  thankful that you can look past my inhumanity , my cruelty to children , and my rampant asian porn addiction , and will still acknowledge my horrible existence! And to Marylin , Gabe , Jaime & Loi of Hogwild , John of Brokenboard , Aaron , Zach and Jaime from STURMGEWEHR , and the main man , the barbaric Beer Reebs and HOD , thanks for being such bad dudes! So yeah , bog ABIGAIL......or SATANS SATYRS..........bye *arty/MondoSleazo

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