Wolvie agrees with me! |
But! My facebook pal Randy Flint Kronewitter is trying to open up his own brick and mortar comic book shop and I am doing what I can to support his endeavor. He has his online shop called Snapping Turtle comics and is trying to raise the funds to start up his shop. Now , I only know Randy through these social medias but I have ordered some comics through him and he got them to me and he is a okay dude but must be a little bit crazy to love comic books enough to want to open a comic book store. And if you are a comic book freak like me , Randy will take care of you. AND he won't be a jerk! YOU WON'T BE A KNOW IT ALL COMIC BOOK STORE JERK , WILL YOU RANDY? Actually , Randy can't afford to be. I know he is all ready working hard , we all work hard no doubt , and when you are at your job you gotta work fast and work hard and cater to your customers. Most of these people that I have encountered at comic book shops have NO customer service what so ever! Randy knows about this and in my opinion I only want to spend my hard earned cash where my business is appreciated and welcomed.
Randys fave hero! Mine too! |
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