Saturday, June 8, 2013

RED SKY BLUE : Dark Angel Saga book 2

one of the Esad Ribic covers!

     Fire. Pain. Loss. Rot. No future....No life....and I do it all for you and I'd do it again and again. And I read book 2 of THE DARK ANGEL Saga and it was even better and more fun than book 1 and I just have to tell ya about it!
Awesome variant by Mike Deodato Jr.
    Archangel is the new Apocalypse all bright and shiny and is deadset on killing off all human life on earth and reshaping it into a world of mutants and X-FORCE has to stop him as violently and
as quickly as they can.
    This was a great read and Rick Remender is such a gifted writer and has such a wild imagination and way with words and we also get the equally amazing artistic talents of Jerome Opena! Just look at some of his art!

Opena art!
Plus the epic and ball crushing cover art by Esad Ribic are worth the cover price alone! Another thing I will say for Remender is that he can write dialogue , well , for any character but he can really write a great Deadpool , when alot of other writers resort to really bad humor and pop culture references for Deadpool but Remender really knows Deadpool and captures his spirit and attitude. Another thing in here is that he put Nightcrawler in here and it was so good to see him even if it is a Nightcrawler from another dimension , I've missed the fuzzy blue elf so much since he died! And this Nightcrawler has no problem with slicing and dicing up the badguys with his pirate sword!
BAMF! Here he is!
    So if you do like to read but you don't want to waste your time with a boring book or a comic that is pointless and rips off better comics and movies I recommend that you start with this X-FORCE series , and start with book 1 and work your way up to this Saga so you have a starting point and kind of know who's who and what's what. I really cherish these comics and I should not be allowed to have this much fun unless I'm drinking or playing with the ass and titties of the redhead from that ArmorAll Viking commercial , BUT I AM! And it's all free and legal and there for you too.

BAM! There she is! Ass & titties!

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