Wednesday, June 26, 2013

SNAPPING TURTLE COMICS! Get your comics here!

 Me and my good buddy Luciano have joked/talked/dreamt about opening up our own comic book store. It would be the coolest comic book store EVER!! We'd sell the best new comics and the best graphic novels and have back issues of comics from the 70's and 80's. We'd have oldschool arcade games like pac man and centipede and a coffee machine and make it a cool place for comic fans to chill and read comics and we'd be the coolest comic book store workers there ever were 'cos god knows people that work at comic book shops are JERKS!! I mean , I wanna set these people on fire and extinguish their burning bodies with .50 caliber machine fire! But that's me.
Wolvie agrees with me!

    But! My facebook pal Randy Flint Kronewitter is trying to open up his own brick and mortar comic book shop and I am doing what I can to support his endeavor. He has his online shop called Snapping Turtle comics and is trying to raise the funds to start up his shop. Now , I only know Randy through these social medias but I have ordered some comics through him and he got them to me and he is a okay dude but must be a little bit crazy to love comic books enough to want to open a comic book store. And if you are a comic book freak like me , Randy will take care of you. AND he won't be a jerk! YOU WON'T BE A KNOW IT ALL COMIC BOOK STORE JERK , WILL YOU RANDY? Actually , Randy can't afford to be. I know he is all ready working hard , we all work hard no doubt , and when you are at your job you gotta work fast and work hard and cater to your customers. Most of these people that I have encountered at comic book shops have NO customer service what so ever! Randy knows about this and in my opinion  I only want to spend my hard earned cash where my business is appreciated and welcomed.
Randys fave hero! Mine too!
    So please fellow comic book fan , check out Randys facebook page and check out his gofundme project and follow him on twitter at extremecomix. I am thinking of some things I want from him and you should to if you are serious about comics. @rty

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